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Previous races in 2025

Information (e.g., entry forms, results and photos) for running races (e.g., 5K, 10K, 10M, half marathon), both road races and multi-terrain, that are in Oxfordshire, Berks and Bucks, parts of Glos, Hants, Northants and Wilts, ...      Generated: Fri 17 Jan at 08:04:11 GMT

Here is a table of previous races in 2025. The latest race is given first.

day and time
name of race
length of race
location of race
postcode and maps to postcode
links to race information and entry forms
other links
link to the results
58092025  Jan  12
Sun  1000
Salcey Forest Christmas 10K and 5K
10K, 5K

This web page says that the event on Dec 8th "has been postponed to Sun Jan 12th".
"Venue is Salcey Forest" which is 'a magnificent ancient woodland that is a remnant of a medieval royal hunting forest - it has many miles of ancient wood banks, building remains and ancient trees - some of the old oaks are over 600 years old'. The Forest is close to the M1 - it is midway between Milton Keynes and Northampton. "Runners will race along the hard-packed trails entirely within Salcey Forest and with the route being naturally flat with some satisfying straight sections, it is perfect for anyone trying to run a fast time or for anyone new to trail running. During winter, there is a section of the course that may become particularly muddy all adding to the fun of the trail!" "10K runners will complete two laps of the course." "The route is entirely different from the parkrun route." "Come for the seasonal atmosphere, the festive cheer and finish-line medals! And, don't forget, seasonal fancy dress is most welcome! Get those Santa hats at the ready, folks!" "Medal." "There is a 1.2K Junior Fun Run at 0930."
Salcey Forest (Northants)
location:NN7 2HXstreetmapgoogleMap
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58082025  Jan  12
Sun  0900/0915
Winchester Trail Runs
21K, 12K
The event was full by Jan 6th in 2025. "Venue is Sparsholt College, Westley Lane." Sparsholt is 5M NW of Winchester. "Set in the beautiful Hampshire countryside on stunning tracks, bridleways and footpaths. The Half visits Farley Mount. This local landmark is the jewel in the crown of the Half Marathon Trail Run. The route is rolling rather than hilly, so will ease you into your new year of running." "Regardless of experience or ability, we actively encourage new runners to our events and have two route lengths to choose from." "Chip timing." "Medal, buff, goodies."
Sparsholt (Winchester)
location:SO21 2NFstreetmapgoogleMap
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58072025  Jan  12
Sun  1015
Woodcote 10K

"Collect race number and chip on the day." "Everyone must register online which you can do right up to 0945 on the day of the race. Regretfully there will be no 'on the day, offline' registrations." "Venue is the Village Hall." "Attracting both club and non-affiliated runners, the Woodcote 10K is something of a challenge. Just completing the undulating, meandering course, along back roads, flanked by woods and farmland, gives a real sense of achievement. It is frequently described by participants as their favourite race of the year." "Chip timing." "Medal." My notes from when I did this in 2011 say 'this 10K is on country lanes in the Chilterns - it starts from the village green in Woodcote, goes downhill along lanes through woods to Goring - at 5K,  it goes up the killer hill that is outside Goring's Fire Station, the same hill that is used for the start of the  Goring 10K - there is then a 1K respite but this is followed by a long climb back to Woodcote - elsewhere on the web, it's said to be a "tough road race, 5K downhill followed by 5K uphill" and that describes it very well'.
location:RG8 0QYstreetmapgoogleMap
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58062025  Jan  11
Chiltern XC League Match 4
One of the Chiltern XC events (for certain clubs) at Keysoe (Bedford) on Oct 12th, Milton Keynes on Nov 9th, Luton on Nov 30th, Watford on Jan 11th and Oxford on Feb 8th. These details are given on this web page.
"Venue of Match 4 is Cassiobury Park." "Unfortunately, the venue is also being used by an important golf competition and this is why we are delaying the start by 30 minutes. Many of you will of course want to have a recce of the course, but please comply with the marshals who will be in place on the golf course, as any delays to the golf competition will mean it will not be completed before our races start." "The park is currently very wet and muddy so the U11s and U13s should consider long spikes. All other races cross 100m of tarmac between the 2 bridges and much of the main paths have had hardcore added and so possibly studs or even road shoes will be a better option, but we suggest you arrive early enough to recce an amount of the course you will be running."
location:WD18 7LGstreetmapgoogleMap
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58052025  Jan  05
Fladbury Festive Five - POSTPONED
This Facebook post says this event has been cancelled.
"Venue is Spring Hill Farm, Salters Lane, Lower Moor." "The race uses a multi-terrain course along the banks of the River Avon, through Fladbury Village and Lower Moor." "The route is almost entirely off road." "Spot prizes." "Cake."
Fladbury (Worcs)
location:WR10 2PEstreetmapgoogleMap
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58042025  Jan  05
Oxfordshire XC Round 3 - Oxford
One of the Oxfordshire XC events (for certain clubs) on Nov 3rd, Dec 1st, Jan 5th, Feb 2nd and Mar 2nd.
"The venue for Round 3 is Horspath Sports Ground." "Round 3 will incorporate the 2024 Oxon XC Championships." Here's a link to the course maps.
location:OX4 2RRstreetmapgoogleMap
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58032025  Jan  04
Sat  1030
Gibbet Hangover
10M, 5.5M
This web page says "email us to let us know if you are thinking about taking part so we have an idea of numbers in advance".
"The start is at the Crown and Garter Pub, Great Common Road, Inkpen Common." "The Hangover is a 10 mile(ish) wander around the beautiful countryside of Inkpen and Combe. The route takes in Walbury Hill, Combe Gibbet, and Test Way, with a good mix of road and off-road (footpaths and bridleways), and a couple of decent climbs. We also have a shorter route of 5 miles or so for anybody who doesn't fancy the full distance. The finish is also at the Crown and Garter Pub, with a drink or two in the pub afterwards. Note that The Hangover is a casual get together, not a formal race event, so there is no entry fee, and the  only prize is a pint for the first finisher." However, in previous years the organisers produced a set of results.
Inkpen (Berks)
location:RG17 9QRstreetmapgoogleMap
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